順流講 Talk with the Flow Mental Health Week
All the workshops and sharing sessions below will be conducted in Cantonese, except otherwise specified, and are free of charge for current CityU students.
For staff registration, please send an email to charlotte.tang@cityu.edu.hk
(only KOL sharing and moving screening sessions)
For inquiries, please contact SDS Miss Tang charlotte.tang@cityu.edu.hk, or Ms. Tam somiran@cityu.edu.hk
Please come and join us to enhance our mental health awareness and knowledge!
Shine Carving Workshop 光雕教室
Japanese Shine Carving Workshop is a therapeutic form of handcraft. Using carving knives, you can create intricate lines and textures on pre-printed PVC silicone films to produce colourful pictures with a glass-like texture. Through different light irradiation, a unique decoration is formed. The process is healing and offers a chance for you to release stress and find moments of tranquillity.
日本光雕工作坊是一種以療癒為目標的手工藝。在工作坊過程中,你會使用雕刻刀,於 PVC 矽膠膜上創造不同的線條和紋理,製作仿如玻璃質感的彩色雕刻圖畫。這個療癒的過程可以為您提供釋放壓力、專注當下的機會。
Date: 24 October 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 12:30 -14:00
Venue: Wong’s International Terrace, BOC
Quota: 15
Tutor: Tang Mei Yee, Founder of @soulmate.education and @soulmate.metime, and a certified instructor in Pastel Nagomi Art
Enrol now: https://forms.gle/v94C1FreHRd3nK9Z8
Omamori Aroma Stone Workshop 御守礦香石教室
Omamori Aroma Stone Workshop is an immersive experience that allows you to create aromatic and visually pleasing decorative pieces. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the art of crafting aroma stones, which are small porous stones that absorb and release fragrances. These stones can be infused with essential oils or natural scents, providing you a healing experience.
Date: 25 October 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30 -14:30
Venue: Wong’s International Terrace, BOC
Quota: 20
Organization: Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service For Young People - Lei Muk Shue (明愛梨梨屋)
Enrol now: https://forms.gle/4GpMnEd3g2WQXTeX7
Zentangle Workshop 禪繞教室
Zentangle® is a meditative art form. Unplanned patterns unfold your creativity and flexibility. Just concentrate on your doodling without distractions, without interruptions, and without demands from the outside world. You are the cornerstone of your tribe to design your own unique patterns.
You will be able to acquire basic techniques of zentangle drawing, practice concentration and mindfulness during zentangle drawing and enjoy mindfulness and Zentangle after the workshop.
禪繞藝術 (Zentangle®) 源自美國,由點與線條構成圖樣,只需要一枝筆就能夠作畫創作,任何人都能易學易懂。製作襌繞畫時,在筆下畫上並不斷重複基礎線條元素,例如點、直線、弧線、蛇形和圓形,專注於當下一筆一劃,與你的內在心靈溝通,達至放鬆、平靜、自我療癒的效果。在禪繞工作坊中,你會學習到基本繪畫禪繞畫的方法,培養專注力,以及於畫禪繞畫過程中享受其放鬆及療癒狀態。
Date: 25,26 October 2023 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: (you can choose one session to join)
25/10 14:45-15:45
26/10 12:30- 13:30
Venue: Wong’s International Terrace,BOC
Quota: 20 per session
Tutor: TY Tse - Certified Zentangle Instructor (CZT Asia #16)
Enrol now: https://forms.gle/DEuVciZs1LHxksJw5
Singing Bowl Workshop 頌缽教室
Singing bowls, also called Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls, are ancient bowls that produce sound and vibration when played with a mallet or striker. It is often used in spiritual, mediation and mindfulness process to invoke meditation or relaxation through the resounding vibrations and pleasant sounds it emanates when played. They can also be used in sound therapy to induce healing and treat various illnesses. You will be able to acquire basic techniques of singing bowl meditation, practise the meditation process with the singing bowl, and enjoy the meditation process with the singing bowl after the workshop.
Date: 27 October 2023 (Friday)
Time: 12:30 -13:30
Venue: R5004, 5/F BOC Multi-purpose Room
Language: English
Quota: 20
Tutor: Helen Kwok (Registered Social Worker; Certified Himalayan Singing Bowl Practitioner)
Enrol now: https://forms.gle/1s2AG2iijG17Uuvf7
About the Tutor:
Helen received her formal training on Himalayan Singing Bowls and Sound Healing at Kathmandu, Nepal with a 3rd generation sound master Swami Chaitanya Krishna. Receiving dance and theatre trainings in early years, Helen integrates embodiment and somatic body-work movement practices into mindfulness and sound healing sessions, facilitating individuals returning the experience of body-mind wholeness and restore emotion awareness. Alongside her years of social work practice on personal growth focused counselling with children and adult, her expertise also includes delivering individual sound healing therapies, mental wellness consultation and sound healing and mindfulness trainings, retreats and team building for groups, institutes and corporates.
Mindfulness Workshop 正念教室
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that involves concentrating intensely on the sensations around you. By bringing focus to one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, mindfulness can be used to achieve a state of calm without self-judgement. The tutor will lead you through the process of Mindfulness and share your personal experience.
You will be able to experience the process of Mindfulness & Acquire basic techniques of mindfulness, practise mindfulness on your own, and enjoy mindfulness and Relax the academic/social pressure in students' lives in this workshop session.
正念是一種冥想形式,涉及高度專注於您周圍的感覺。通過將注意力集中在一個人的感受、思想和身體感覺上,正念可以用來達到一種沒有自我判斷的平靜狀態。在課程中,導師將會帶領你進行正念的過程,並分享他們的個人經驗。 在工作坊中,你將會體驗到正念的過程並學習正念的基本技巧,過後可在家自己練習正念,享受正念並放鬆在生活中的學業及社會壓力。
Date: 30 October 2023 (Monday)
Time: 14:00 -16:00
Venue: R5004 Multi-purpose Room, 5/F BOC
Quota: 20
Tutor: Mr. Lok Chau (Founder of Be Still Together 一起靜)
Enrol now: https://forms.gle/7SnPZCNLWSqXiDsy8
About the Tutor:
In 2011, Lok came into contact with the mindfulness practice in Plum Village Tradition, and became a volunteer to lead the mindfulness practice. In 2018, the organization "Be Still Together" was established to promote the concept of mindfulness, coordinating more than 500 mindfulness sessions every year.
【Sharing 順流講堂】Music & I - RubberBand@6號 的音樂治療空間 (分享會)
Interview sharing by 6@RubberBand that he will share his life journey throughout these 20 years of music life, the ups and downs, and how he relieves the emotional distress with music and creation. In the sharing, he will also perform some of his music works to illustrate his stories and give emotional support to all of you.
6號會以訪談 + 清唱形式進行分享,透過一問一答,他將講述自己 20 年的音樂人生中的起伏及日常故事、情緒困擾的經歷、如何用音樂及創作抒發情緒、壓力等。6號更會於訪談中演唱一小段作品,希望透過音樂講述自身故事,以及為同學們提供情感支援。
Speaker Profile: 6@RubberBand
Main Singer of a popular Cantopop band based in Hong Kong - RubberBand, which was founded in 2005 as a five-member group. Since its 2008 debut in Hong Kong, it has been famous for their refreshing images and the themes & content of its songs. In current years, 6@RubberBand is actively collaborating with different parties and participating in various social events, which makes him become more popular among the youngsters and young adults.
6號為香港著名流行樂隊RubberBand 的主音,於2005年成立,成員包括主音6號、吉他手兼隊長阿正、低音吉他手阿偉以及鼓手泥鯭。RubberBand 及 6號 自 2008 年出道以來,因其文青形象及令大眾深感共鳴的音樂題材,一直深受年輕聽眾歡迎。近年,6號分別與不同的單位合作,例如《香港散步學》的作者黃宇軒,其創新以及關注香港社會的風格,促使他積極參與於不同議題的公開活動。
Date: 26 October 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 17:30 -18:30
Venue: 1610, LI-Building (AC2)
Enrol now: CRESDA
【Sharing 順流講堂】TreeHole HK樹洞香港分享會:
In the talk, Peter will share about the recent trend of personality tests (MBTI, Enneagram of Personality......) - Are they useful? What are the phenomenon and explanations behind it? How can you understand yourself & others in a more effective way? After the discussions, Peter will also share practical social skills & tips on how you can build a close social relationship with others. You will be able to know more about the weakness of us - the human beings - in psychological ways.
Speaker Profile:
TreeholeHK, based in Hong Kong, is happy to offer its expertise in mindfulness and psychology training for fostering resilience, self-understanding and leadership in corporate and individual level. TreeHoleHK pride themselves on delivering tried and true training approach based on scientific research. They promote psychology by offering insightful and various workshops, classes and sharing sessions to the public and enterprise, and at the same time promote the knowledge in different online platforms, including YouTube Channel with over 100K subscribers, 5-minutes Psychology Podcast, blog & articles...etc.
Mr Peter Chan is the founder and chief trainer of TreeHoleHK, He has conducted over 100 public courses about stress management, mindfulness, and psychology. He is a TEDxCUHK speaker and has been frequently invited to corporates, NGO and academic institutes to conduct sharing or training in mindfulness, positive psychology, growth mindset, and team building.
樹洞香港是一個屬於香港人的心理學品牌,樹洞香港自成立以來,一直以推廣心理學為願景。樹洞香港深信知識就是力量,希望藉以專業,為香港帶來改變。樹洞香港擁有豐富項目執行經驗,擅於向大眾及企業界別以多元化的工作坊、課程及講座推廣心理學,同時亦正於多個網上平台上推廣心理學知識,包括逾 10萬人訂閱的 YouTube 心理學頻道、五分鐘心理學 Podcast、樹洞文集等。
Date: 30 October 2023 (Monday)
Time: 12:30 -13:30
Venue: R5004, 5/F BOC Multi-purpose Room
Enrol now: CRESDA
【Floating Cinema 順流電影院🎬】Soul 靈魂奇遇記
Movie Screening & Post Screening sharing session
Movie Name: 靈魂奇遇記 Soul
Post-screening speaker:
Mr. Eric Tsang
Master of Arts from the Chinese School of the University of Hong Kong. He has served as a guest host at Metro Radio and a guest lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Culture Center (Hong Kong) and a member of the Hong Kong Film Critics Society. He is passionate in movie appreciation and actively promoting movies and local culture currently. He is also a writer for "Sing Tao Daily", "City Magazine"; online media including "Hong Kong 01" and "p-articles", etc.
曾肇弘 (Eric Tsang)
Screening organized by:
Film Culture Centre (Hong Kong) (“FCCHK”) is a non-profit arts organisation founded in 1999. Inheriting the legacy of its predecessor, “Hong Kong Film Culture Centre”, it continues to be focused on Hong Kong’s film, visual media and culture development.
Since its establishment, FCCHK has been actively involved in the arts and culture, film, education and general community. By organising various workshops, seminars, screening sessions, guided tours and competitions, FCCHK aims at promoting film culture to the public, and to elicit greater interest in film culture. In 2011, FCCHK underwent an exciting revival. After taking stock of our insight and experiences, we continue to host a variety of regular events which bring together the local film community and new talents while promoting local film culture. We hope for film and video culture to reach the community and our daily lives, bringing everyone closer to the film art.
電影文化中心(香港)為非牟利藝術團體,始創於1999年,傳承了「香港電影文化中心」的精神,從舊有的系統中蛻變出來,繼續成為香港電影、視像及文化的播種者。自創辦以來,電影文化中心(香港)深入文化藝術界、電影界、學界,以至社區,透過舉辦各類型的工作坊、研討會、放映會、導賞活動及比賽,將電影文化向大眾推廣,務求提高更多人士對電影文化的興趣。 2011年,電影文化中心(香港)重整旗鼓,繼續上路。根據以往的經驗,定期舉辦各類型活動,一方面凝聚本地從事電影創作的行內人士及新血,另一方面推動本地電影文化,並期望將電影及視像文化帶入社區和生活,拉近公眾與電影的距離。
Date: 30 October 2023 (Monday)
Time: 19:00 -21:30
Venue: LT401, 4/F BOC 健絡通演講廳
Language: English with Chinese subtitles (Movie)
Cantonese (Post-screening sharing session)
Enrol now: CRESDA
Mental Health First Aid Standard Course
This 12-hour course is designed to equip participants with knowledge and skills to help someone with an emergency mental health problem. The philosophy behind the course is that the risk of mental health crises, such as suicidal and self-harming actions, may be reduced with early intervention. If crises do arise, then mental health first aid action can be taken to reduce the harms. The MHFA course has been found to be effective at improving the course participants’ knowledge of mental disorders, reducing stigma and increasing confidence in offering help. Participants of the 12-hour MHFA course will receive a course manual and also a certificate issued by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong at the completion of the course.